the art of writing

by Jenny Spanoghe

In 1999, an invisible thread between music, image, and words began to grow in Jenny’s mind. As she painted or listened to a musical piece, words would also come to her thoughts. These words inspired Jenny to begin writing in the form of poetry. This reinforced what she was already expressing through her paintings and what she heard as a musician. Since then the bond between music, paintings, and writing became her hallmark.

With music, Jenny visually sees a painting come to life. The music and image are transformed into words that complement her expressions. Creating a perfect symbiosis between music, image and word.

On May 11th, 1999, Jenny absentmindedly and unconsciously, picked up a notebook lying around. Words, phrases and verses flowed from her pen. The moment led her to write her very first poem “Heengaan,” an ode to her mother’s passing in 1977.

Her thoughts on passing were compiled in “Malinconia”, named after the second part of Eugène Ysaÿe’s solo sonata.

The 100 most beautiful poems by Jenny were compiled in “Emotions in Word and Image” (2019), “Three Magical Journeys” (2020), and “Touching Reaching” (2022). In this latest collection, she also included her first haikus.

“Three Magical Journeys,” a prose story written during the first COVID-19 wave, received a lot of positive feedback. This led Jenny to continue writing her artistic memoirs in the form of her own life story and so evolving from a poet to prose writer.


‘A Contribution to The history of the Western European Violin Schools’

The history of the Western European Violin Schools, starting around 1600 in Flanders, Italy and France.
A summary of their masters, successors and their international appearances up to the contemporary international violin technique. Including anecdotes, orally transmitted by professor Georges Octors (1923-2020), intertwined with the 55 years long performing and teaching experiences of the author. 

84p A4, spiral binding, illustrated with Jenny Spanoghe’s paintings is available in print or as a pdf download.


‘Het Vrolijke Vioolvirtuoosje’ – ‘The Joyful Violin Virtuoso’ – published by Metropolis Music Publishers (2017)

‘Violist Zijn’ – ‘Being a Violinist’- published by Metropolis Music Publishers (1991)

Art books

‘Poems by Rabindranath Tagore’ – 35 poems by R. Tagore (translated in Dutch and English), adorned by Jenny Spanoghe with 60 paintings and drawings – published by (2022)

‘Drie Magische Reizen’ – ‘Three Magical Journeys” – Jenny’s poetry and prose, adorned with her paintings – published by (2021)

‘Emoties in Beeld en Woord’ – ‘Emotions in Images and Words” – 100 paintings and poems by Jenny Spanoghe – published by (2019)

‘The Chaconne – A violin Story’ – published in Dutch, French and English, adorned by Jenny Spanoghe


‘Quand la Lune Danse’ – cycle of poems, dedicated to Jan Van Landeghem – set to music by Jan Van Landeghem for violin, soprano and piano

‘Stilte’ – ‘Silence” – ninth lyrical suite

‘Air’ – a spiritual text about the loss and death of Jenny’s mother – set to music by Jan Van Landeghem

‘Six Cello Suites by Johann Sebastian Bach’ – ‘De Zes Cellosuites van Johann Sebastian Bach’ – poems and paintings expressing the music composed by Bach

‘The Lovers in Vienna’ – collection of poems during a visit to Vienna, Austria

‘Poem for Requiem for Benjamin’ – in memoriam of Benjamin Rawitz

Voyage immobile

L’espor règne dans la nuit serrante pour la rose
qui vit dan l’ombre, pour le chien qui dort sur mon oreiller
Le voyage immobile ou la solitude avec le triomphe du violin

Extract from ‘Emoties in Beeld en Woord’


Silence is the miracle between two souls encircling each other without speaking.
Silence connects what words cannot, unites the timeless with the fleeting, gives wings to matter and makes shiny what is invisible for the eyes.

Extract from ‘Four Short Poems’

Mijmeringen over Licht en Duisternis

Ik groet de zon in symbiose
met het ongrijpbare.
Haar boodschap is liefde
fonkelend in het geheim van haar
diepste duisternis. 

Extract from ‘Rakend Aanreiken’

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